I finally finished and framed some sampler ideas.
I finished my Heart Sampler...
One of my favorite Sayings...
And some of my Weftovers...
You can do this too! Don't know how yet? My book, Tape Loom Weaving...simplified... is available on my web site and at Amazon.com. I will also be demonstrating around New England in April and May. April 23 at Chancelors Sheep and Wool Showcase in Germantown NY, April 30 at CT Sheep and Wool Festival in Vernon, CT, May 28 at Massachusetts Sheep and Woolcraft Fair in Commington MA.
Want me to teach a group of your friends? Set up a 2 hour basic, 2 hour pick-up, a 6 hour everything you need to weave a tape or a 2 day seminar where you can do it all and much more! See my web site www.eastknollpottery.com. for details and contact. (yes, I do pottery too)