Saturday, April 11, 2020

Splitting those Bands in Two

I have been working on two split bands projects and just got them done.

Project #1...

When working at the Lee County Fair in Florida this March, I bought a cheap pair of flip flops with pretty "gold" beads to spend a morning at the beach. Less than two minutes after I put them on, on the way to the van, they broke! I am not sure why I was surprised, but never thought of throwing them away, I broke them down. I saved the beads for my granddaughter, who at 12 is already selling her own jewelry at shows. Pulled out the plastic thong parts and visioned a new woven strap.

Got out some 8/2 cotton and wove these new bands. I had to knot the ends to hold them in to my rubber soles. I think they look pretty good.

Project #2...

Roger gave me this lovely pin for Christmas. I thought it would be nice to wear with a chain around my neck, but when that chain broke, I decided to make a woven band that I could wear at my fiber festivals, and it would be another sample of splitting a band. Again I used 8/2 cotton.

To split a band, choose or draw up a chart to follow that has two complete designs for each side of the split.  In the center of your pattern add single bands that will be the selvage for those two splits.  Chart your two bands next to each other.

Thread your loom accordingly. 

Start as one complete band and use a pre-planned pattern or just wing it.  When you get ready to split, I weave the right side pattern up a few inches. The shed will start to narrow, so don't go too far. You will want to break off your weft and start up the left side, matching the pattern you made on the right.

Now when you get the two sides even, you can wind up your warp and go further. When you get ready to break, make sure you have some extra inches so you can adjust the length later for your project, and simply cut it off.

On the necklace, I decided to rejoin and add another inch with both sides together. 

For you newbies to my Blog, use the search button above and type in Bands or Tapes to find more projects for your bands, building your own simple loom and stories of my weaving adventures.  New to Tape or Band weaving?  Look up my beginners easy to use book Tape Loom Weaving... simplified on my web site (yes, I am also a potter) or on  Subscribe to my blog to get notice on future projects and loom building or follow me on Facebook... Tape Loom Weaving....   and Happy Weaving!

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