Monday, March 23, 2020

Yarn Bowl with Woven Band

I finally decided to make a yarn bowl. They are so popular and so many styles. It is difficult to come up with a new one.

Mine is stoneware with a semi-matt blue glaze. The glaze trips turned out to be nice... kinda looks like a dark blue tree.  The fun part of pottery is that you are not always sure how a glaze will come out. Even if it is one of your standard glazes, sitting around can change its' consistency, where it sits in the kiln or a variety of other factors and boom! It could be a disaster.  But, this one turned out nice.

Instead of the standard cut swinging down from the lip, I chose to make a heart that I will have to thread my yarn through. This makes the rim stable and I can also use this bowl in other ways. It would make a nice planter or catch-all.

I wove a band to attach to the edge. My Roger, a wooden blow turner, has made Norwegian ale bowls that I have woven bands for as an added decoration. (below)

Both wooden and ceramic bowls were frequently mended in the days when people held on to there tools longer than we do now.

At the Vesterheim museum in Decorah, Iowa, there is an old wooden bowl with such a mend.

Ceramic and wooden bowl below were sometimes mended with metal staples.

I like the yarn bowl with this appropriate yarn band,  I think I will do some more!

For you newbies to my Blog, use the search button above and type in LoomsBands or Tapes to find more projects for your bands, building your own simple loom and stories of my weaving adventures.  New to Tape or Band weaving?  Look up my beginners easy to use book Tape Loom Weaving... simplified on my web site (yes, I am also a potter) or on  Subscribe to my blog to get notice on future projects and loom building or follow me on Facebook... Tape Loom Weaving....   and Happy Weaving!

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