Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Chancellors Sheep and Wool Showcase

Last Saturday, the weather turned out nice for the Sheep and Wool Showcase at Clermont State Historic Site in Germantown NY.  I brought my new book on Tape Loom Weaving... and  some samples along with looms and accessories.

Such a pretty spot on the Hudson River... and it did not rain!

There were some critters...

Lots of folks showed up for the fun...

There were flowers too, along with yarn, roving, woven articles, knit products, and lots of other wool related stuff.

And spinners, weavers and knitters all had a nice day.

Come to our next festival this coming weekend, April 27th at the Tolland Agricultural Center for the Connecticut Sheep, Wool and Fiber Festival 2013!

Buy some wool and knit or weave something special!

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