Sunday, April 21, 2013

My new book from

Its here!

Finally!  I have been working on this book for over a year.   It's amazing how hard it is to do a simple how-to book.  I had to do research on the history of the loom and tape loom weaving, not only in the USA, but around the world. Tapes and bands were woven around the globe for thousands of years.  People needed narrow bands of cloth, and it would be silly to warp a big loom.  So some people just invented the tool they needed to accomplish this.
Proof reading... you can never go over the spelling, punctuation and grammar enough. How many times have you found spelling errors when reading a novel?  It all becomes a blur as you go over and over your copy.

The folks at did a wonderful job. They were courteous, got back to me right away when I had questions and were very helpful.

The proof came overnight, the printing took less than a week. In a flash I received my books and they look just as I ordered.  They look quite pretty if I do say so myself.

And I am already selling them, mostly to weavers who have inkle looms and are interested in rediscovering the small loom and the wonderful things you can achieve on them. A new challenge. And now they can weave on vacation with a loom so small, so adaptable they can throw it and a ball of yarn into their suitcase or purse and off they go.

The reason I went with  instantpublishers was because I wanted full control over the look and content of my book. I had worked in printing companies years ago and I enjoyed setting up my own graphics. 

And it was so quick and easy with instantpublishers. I just uploaded my copy, they have a PDF converter. And you can change and reload if you need to make changes.

I had a good experience with them, and hopefully will be able to reorder more books very soon!

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