I am blessed to travel around our great country demonstrating early American weaving and pottery. I meet people who share my interests and we get to share ideas and techniques.
In New Jersey last year at the New Jersey State Fair in Augusta NJ, I met a group of crafters from the Peters Valley School of Craft. (https://www.petersvalley.org) A weaver there, Brianna Landcaster, made some nice cubes using her scraps of inkles. She gave me permission to share with my groups a great idea for using end scraps of her bands.
So keep on thinking up great uses for those bands and you will never get bored creating more patterns.
By the way, some people ask me why I call my work "Tapes". "Is your gate loom the same as an inkle loom?" they ask. I am a proud New Englander. New England was settled mostly by the English and the English made tapes. But Bands, Tapes and Inkles and all the same work, done on different styles of small looms. Why use a big floor loom for making little bands? Small looms of different styles were invented all over the world to make useful and decorative "Tapes".
New to Bands, Tapes and Inkles? Check out the search bar above for more postings of bands, tapes and inkles. I wrote a simplified book for beginners that is for sale on my web site, www.eastknollpottery.com and Amazon, Tape Loom Weaving...simplified.
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