Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Old Swedish Pattern on Band Loom with 3 Pick-up Patterns

Original... Topside and Reverse

(This could be Estonian or German!)

I saw this pattern on line somewhere and I just had to make it.  I had to carve a wider band loom to work it because the whole pattern uses 92 Threads, 46 holes and 46 slots.  After I made my loom, I found I still made it too narrow. My new loom uses up to 80 Threads, so I had to drop the 6 thread borders.

I like the colors. On the original you can see the 3 colors (plus white), red, turquoise and blue.

It is not so hard as it looks. It helps to follow the chart row by row and then you don't have to think about the 3 different sections...it will just all fall into place.

Close up with dotted border.


Pulling up that side red thread to show it more.
Pattern draft. Start at bottom.

When you get to the top of the chart you will have one extra white row in the side patterns because the two side pick-ups do not align with the middle pick-up.

My first attempt at this was so pretty that I cut it into sections and framed them.  My next attempt will include the side border dots. I am looking for a closer color match and I want all 3 colors in wool. Background white threads are cotton so the piece will not stretch.  As soon as I make a wider loom that is!

Happy weaving!


  1. I have just gotten interested in band weaving and purchased a Scandinavian style loom from J Siedel. I love this pattern. Perhaps once I get competent on the loom, I will try to find a larger heddle to try this pattern.

  2. Reggie, I love this style of pick up band and whether Swedish or Latvian or Estonian it is a challenge to weave with a floating heddle as we are used to for narrower patterns! Have you read the book Eesti Kirivood? In addition to a broad selection of regional patterns from Estonia, the author details, with very good pictures, traditional means of achieving these wider bands. Well worth the book just for her tutorial on the subject. Good luck with your wider heddle and I'll be interested to see how it works for you!


You can contact me on my web site, www.eastknollpottery.com