Monday, April 18, 2016

It's Spring... Let's Get Together and Play with Wool! Wool Festivals in New England!

Nice way to  get out and see fellow wool lovers clipping, spinning, knitting, crocheting and just feel the home grown wool.  See the critters that grow it, see the people that take care of the critters, watch people using the fibers of different critters.  Meet fellow wool friends!

I will be bringing my looms, tools and how-to books and samples. Come and see and try out Tape and Band looms.

Chancellors Sheep and Wool Showcase, nearby the Hudson River in Germantown NY.
April 23rd, 11-4pm

This beautiful old estate hosts our first festival. Border Collies, Shearing, Music and great food!

Connecticut Sheep and Wool Festival... Our 107th year! Vernon CT
April 30th, 9-4pm

The Tolland Ag Center is the spot to be for fibers, tools, gifts, great foods like lamb stew, kabobs and portabello burgers, music by the Fiddleheads, contests, classes, demonstrations, rain or shine!

Massachusetts Sheep and Woolcraft Fair.... Commington, MA
May 28 and 29

See you at the Festivals!

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