Sunday, November 16, 2014

Buy Connecticut made Crafts at Local Events!

My old high school, Regional #7 is having a Craft Sale this Saturday, November 22, 2014 in Winsted CT

If your budget is tight this year, or if you need some economical stocking stuffers, why not shop at your local Church, School or Civic Events?  Sometimes you can buy extra mittens for grandkids for under $5.... home knitted mittens by some little old lady (that could be me), home assembled soup mixes, all kinds of cool stuff. And you will support the homemakers and crafters, the sponsor group can make some cash to keep going, and you get some great stuff you would like to make yourself if you had time.

Or, you could support Walmart....NOT.

I will be there in my booth,#78 in the gym, supporting the Agricultural Department of my school and offering some great stocking stuffer's.

the before photo...
I was busy making tiny pots down in the Carolina's and Tennessee fairs in October. I made an incredible 833 pots! Yes, I counted them!  The tedious part comes when I have to load them one-by-one into my kiln. Scoop them out after firing. Dip each one in glaze with tongs. Wipe glaze off the bottom of EACH one. Load each one into the kiln again. The next day is Christmas for me. It is like opening a package because you are never quite sure how they will come out. The outcome is looking down on 833 brightly glazed tiny pots... an awesome sight. They change from flat grays and browns to little jewels. It;s wonderful. It's what keeps me making more.


and the after photo...

I will see you there.... And did I mention the Regional #7 Event is FREE and has food too?

Come out and have a nice shopping experience.

1 comment:

  1. I watched you make some of these at the Dixie Classic Fair. Sandy


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