Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Seed Savers, Iowa

On the way home from the Nordic Fest, Roger and I stopped to check out the Seed Savers Exchange in Iowa. This is a wonderful farm dedicated to saving and sharing heritage varieties of seeds.  I am so glad that farmers and greenhouses are doing well in our currently tight market.  Seems folks are becoming more aware of local farms as a source of good, nutritious food rather than anemic supermarket varieties.  And the good farmers are keeping us all going. I am sure you heard the slogan, "No Farms, No Food."

Here in Iowa, this is a lovely family operated farm.

They have events and workshops and a lovely bunch of garden.

Check out this great portable chicken coup.
And you know how I like waddle fencing and tee-pees....

Reminds me of my own Scarlet Runner Bean Tee pee above!
And... I wonder if they would be interested in selling
my little Red Birds?
My pottery birds, greenhouses, gardens
and gardeners seem to go together!

Check out my birds at

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